Speak the Language of Love

'I love you' is more than 3 words
Love is a universal language that we all strive to speak.
But what if we don’t understand the dialect? What if our partner speaks a different love language than we do?
This ‘Speak the Language of Love’ Masterclass will teach you how to recognise your and your partner’s love language, as well as how to practically apply this knowledge to your day-to-day life.
Learn how your partner shows love and appreciation for you and discover new ways to express your love for your partner in many different ways.

What will you learn
Discover new ways to show your love and appreciation for your partner.
Learn practical tips for how you can master the 5 love languages quickly and effectively.
Get special tips and cheat-sheets for all situations.
Understand how your partner shows their love and appreciation for you (they may do it in way you don’t recognise as signs of appreciation and take for granted)
Explore new ways to express love and appreciation for yourself (yup, these apply to self-love too)
Regular price: US$97
Price you pay today: US$27